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5 weeks post amputation.

Things are good around here for Abbee. ย She is back to rolling in the grass and chasing squirrels. Nothing at all makes Abbee run, except squirrels! She is just as fast as she ever was on 3 legs…

I found a bump on her head last week so off to the vet we went yesterday. I realize now, going to the vet at every bump will be part of our new life. Luckily, this was small like a pea sized wart, so the vet says it doesn’t appear to be a Mast Cell and it’s still too small to aspirate. So we are just watching it for now. Hopefully it’s allergy related.

Good news is, she lost another whole pound! She was 12.6 (don’t forget she is a chihuahua!), and obese at her surgery and I knew we really had to shed some weight to maintain her one front leg. At weigh in yesterday she was 10.6! Such great news for me, because its been a lot of work preparing/cooking each meal and weighing 1.5 ounces exactly at each feeding. It’s nice to know our system is working and that she seems healthier than ever now.

Each day is better for her and I focus on her living her life to the fullest. Just gotta keep an eye out for any new bumps…



Looking fabulous with with her pink manicure:)

April 14, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   10 Comments.

10 Responses to “5 weeks post amputation.”

  1.   krun15 Says:

    I’m right there with you checking for bumps. I can’t tell you how many times I flipped Maggie over to check a bump on her tummy, only to find it was one of her tits!
    Glad to hear Abbee’s life is back to normal. And great job on the diet! It’s a challenge keeping pugs at a good weight- I can appreciate how challenging it is. So hard with little dogs- you really have to count every calorie.
    Have you tried green beans for snacks? I buy tons of no salt added green beans for the pugs- great for treats and to help fill the tummy with meals.

    •   sjstark Says:

      Green beans?! What a great idea. I’m definitely worried that she is hungry and wants more food then I give her. I definitely need something low calorie to mix into her food for filler. Definitely going to try this out. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  2.   benny55 Says:

    Happy Hannah says “Toss out the green beans and eat ice cream!!!”

    WONDERFUL update! Sooooo glad you’re seeing Abbee’s sparkle come back!! Makes it al worth every second of it!!

    Keep takng lots of pics and postng them…she s ADORABLE!!

    When a dog rolls in the grass I think that is eof the happiest sitesn earth! Keep rollng Abbee…and be easy n the squirrels, okay?

    Lots of love and hugs!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3.   benny55 Says:

    Oh! As far as lumps and bumps? That’s just the sugar oozing out of such a sweeeeeet dog!!

  4.   trituck Says:

    What a wonderful update on Abbee.

    Great to hear she is doing so well. Tuck had to lose weight after his amp as well….and has successfully reduced from 94 post amp to 84 six months later. Keep up the good work!

    Linda and Tucker

  5.   jerry Says:

    Good job Ma, you not only stay on top of whatever is new in her health but you helped her lose weight too? WOW! You get the Pawrent of the Month award! Congrats to both of you, she sure looks fantastic.

  6.   Eann R. Says:

    Thanks for the update and photo! I’ve been thinking about you guys. I hope the little bump turns out to just be a new beauty mark.

    For a low-cal treat, have you tried steamed kale? Wash the raw leaves, cut them off the ribs, steam the leaves for a few minutes (just in water — I don’t add vinegar to the water if it’s for the dogs). Chop up the leaves before or after you cook them to make it easier to give small bites to your dog. I keep the steamed kale in a Tupperware in the fridge. My dogs had never had greens until a month or so ago, and one of them was a little confused about it at first. But now they both love it. Of course, they’re Labs. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Eann & Dobson

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