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2 Week Ampuversary! Day 14 is finally here!

Finally! We have made it to the 2 week mark. I see my sweet Abbee improving everyday.

I won’t say she is 100%…maybe closer to 70%. But she is readjusting nicely, but slowly,  to her  new life as a Tripawd.

I dropped her off this morning to have her stitches removed. She is off all her meds, except Gabapetin bc it helps her sleep so well at night. I think she still has a bit of anxiety from the amputation. Almost like she feels a little like she can’t fully protect her self like she used to. She is very clingy and stays alert and wide eyed almost every moment of the day. I hope she gets her confidence back soon.

I still haven’t heard the results back from her tumor biopsy. That must be good news. I will ask the vet when I pick her up this evening.

All is well here with us. Getting stronger  and learning new things each day.

March 24, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   2 Comments.

2 Responses to “2 Week Ampuversary! Day 14 is finally here!”

  1.   benny55 Says:

    CONGRARULATONS ABBEE!! You realize you get ice cream and cake at the two week mark, right?

    Yeah, I do think they feel extra vulneravle at first…..and rightfully so…..but as she continurpes to adjust, her confidence will come back. I rhink it’s sweet that she knows you are there for her to protect her and help her.

    Many dogs are off pain meds after two weeks, but my vet put her back on Gabapentin for another week as she still jad some pain. That seemed to make a difference. She had some restlessness t night for quite awhile.

    So glad you’re seengher sparkle dome back!! Isn’t that the best rhing? And it’s still very early in recovery…it gets betterz!!!

    HUGS AND CONGRATULATIONS! Enjoy your ice cream!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2.   kbmt Says:

    Glad to hear you are doing well, cutie! Keep up the good work and keep on rockin’!

    KB and family

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