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Day 3 Post Amputation

Abbee’s day was as expected. She’s very sore, and grumpy. But I think her meds are keeping her pain free. She did take about 20 steps outside today before she toppled over. Maybe she is slowly catching on… I hope by the end of this weekend maybe a little of her sparkle will be back…

Her little brother misses her dearly… he barely leaves her side.



…look closely! He is there!! 🙂




We all miss her strong personality dearly. Looking forward to brighter days.

March 14, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   4 Comments.

4 Responses to “Day 3 Post Amputation”

  1.   fourminipups Says:

    Yay for 20 steps! That’s progress and we celebrate the baby steps around here. Brother is just precious!! I’ll bet she feels better just having him around.

    Take care-
    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  2.   jerry Says:

    Awwwww. You WILL get there! Slow and steady, promise. I’m glad you had a good day today. Here’s to many more!

  3.   4myty Says:

    I Love your page. So pretty! I have just now learned to post pics. So I am impressed. Abbée is adorable. She will figure it out. It is funny, most people don’t notice my dog’s “missing” leg right away. All of the sudden they will be like, where is his leg?They adapt so well. I say shhhh, he doesn’t realize it isn’t there. Abbée will soon be running around, feeling quite perky. Brother is very cute also!

  4.   trituck Says:

    Abbee is doing great!

    I agree with Rene….slow and steady…it will come and before you know it you will forget what she looked like with four legs.

    Linda and Tucker

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