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Day 2 Post Op

After a great day yesterday, last night was a really tough night for us again. She couldn’t get comfortable and each big movement was followed by a yelp.

Today she also decided to not want to take any of her meds. And if Abbee decides she doesn’t want to do something, it doesn’t happen…

I don’t think she’ in constant pain, but the two times she has barked today, she yelped loud right afterwards.

On positive notes, she urinated once and seems to be moving a little better. I also tricked her into taking her Tran and Antibiotics this evening.

Praying for some sleep tonight and a happy puppy…





March 13, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   4 Comments.

4 Responses to “Day 2 Post Op”

  1.   Angela Says:

    Sorry to hear your night wasn’t well! Nights are always the worst I think. Keep trucking along and remember you’re still early on in this process!

    Good-luck and prayers for sleep tonight for you both!

    Cody and Family

  2.   mom2shelby Says:

    I agree … nights were the hardest for us. I remember taking Shelby back to the vet and begging them to keep her! They did not. It DOES get better!!!

    I would suggest if it keeps up, you inquire about some anti-anxiety meds. It really did help for Shelby.

    Hang in there! It WILL get better!
    Alison and Shelby

  3.   benny55 Says:

    Yeah, this is soooooooo very early! I would not expect much turn arou d yet. I know that doesn’t helpyou mich right now!

    My vet said Tramadol is one of the most bitter and awful tasting pills around. Once my Happy Hannah found ot it wss in a hot dog…she wouldn’t eat one for weeks!!

    You do want to keep the tramadol in her n a consistent basis. The way I understand it, it’s much harder for the pain medicine to do it’s job once the pain has gotten a head start.

    As I me tioned in an earlier post, my Happy Hannah had a slower recovery than some. She whined and cried and was miserable for at least the first week.

    Abbee’s sparkle will co e back. Right now it’s hard to see that happening! She IS eatng, pooping, peeing and drinking… takes many dogs several days to do that sometimes.

    Give that ADORABLE girl a hug for us. Hopefully, in another several days, you’ll see her resting easier a little bit more.

    Keep us posted! We’re here!!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4.   biffngab Says:

    Yup tramadol is bad tasting, but you do have to keep it in there on the regular intervals by hook or crook. We had good luck with Pill Pockets and also with sneaking it in pieces of cheese.

    Of course if she’s strong enough that you can’t get the pill down her gullet then that should be looked upon as a good sign!


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