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Day of Amputation…

Wow…what a day.

Dropped my love off at the vet at 7:00am this morning. I cried. I really wish I didn’t, but I did.


After what seemed like an eternity, I finally received a phone call at about 1:00 saying all went well.

I picked her up at 7:00 and here we are at home. I am trying to cope with the constant whines and whimpers. They are breaking my heart. The incision is pretty brutal, but I was prepared for that. I just wasn’t prepared for the helplessness that I feel right now. I don’t think I was prepared as I thought I was.

On the bright side, her appetite is normal. I fed her some homecooked chicken (her favorite) and she did drink a few syringes full of water. She has not interest in standing at all, or even moving for that matter. But I hope tomorrow may be easier for her. She hasn’t used the bathroom at all today. Every time I set her down, she just lays down. To get her to urinate tomorrow is my main goal.

Praying for a restful night for us both.


March 11, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   4 Comments.

4 Responses to “Day of Amputation…”

  1.   biffngab Says:

    If she needs help to take care of business the first few days, you can provide support with a towel slung around her torso. It’s comfy, supportive, and easy to use.

    Gabby, at age 6, needed the towel help for only the first day or two and then began hopping on her own.

    Be generous and proactive with pain meds.

    I bet that tumor was causing at least some discomfort. You’re doing the right thing.

  2.   jerry Says:

    Ohhh I hope you two got some sleep last night. I know you feel really scared right now but you are doing GREAT. You are handling this like a champ, you really are. How is she today?

  3.   krun15 Says:

    Don’t get discouraged! You are starting earlier than most of us- most pups stay at least overnight. I know you said they didn’t have 24 hour staff, I wouldn’t leave my pup unattended after a major surgery either. I know it tears at your heart, but the vocalization is probably due to coming off the anesthetic. If Abbee is like me after a big surgery she probably won’t remember most of yesterday. It is great that she is eating! Hopefully today she will feel more like standing up. Hang in there, you guys will be fine!
    Karen and Spirit Maggie

  4.   Johnna Tomlinson Says:

    My boy has his amputation on Friday. By the next day he was walking short distances and going potty. Today is day four and he is doing great! I’m feeling less helpless and more hopeful. I hope your furbaby is doing well!

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