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Last day on 4 legs…



Tomorrow is the big day.  I didn’t think I’d be so nervous. I really thought I had come to terms with my decision. But that obviously isn’t the case. I’m so worried about not have making the right decision here. She isn’t in pain at all and in reality I don’t even know if the cancer she has is aggressive. What I do know is that it hasn’t spread to her lungs or any of her organs or lymph nodes. She had a ultra sound on Friday and all was clear. She just has one stinkin’ bump on her leg that’s in a spot with no tissue around it. Therefore, to get rid of the bump (that isn’t even bothering her!!) means getting rid of her leg. My poor baby…

I recall from reading others blogs, that everyone seems to have these second guessing feelings about amputation.  But most amputations are due to bone cancer and your babies are in pain. This is not the case with my girl. But I guess you can say I’m being proactive for her…. Well, that’s what I keep telling myself anyways..

My other worry is her recovery. I’m so scared that she will have a rough time. Abbee is kind of a drama queen. And I think she is a very emotional dog. I just wish she understood.

I’m so glad that I have you guys for moral support. Its so reassuring to know that I can talk to people who actually know exactly how I feel.


Please say a prayer for her at 7am tomorrow morning… and for me too! I actually think I’ll be needing it more….



March 9, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   7 Comments.

7 Responses to “Last day on 4 legs…”

  1.   krun15 Says:

    I’m right there with you- Maggie’s MCT was in her knee- no limping, no pain. And she was quite a drama queen so I would have known! How could amputation be the best solution?
    You do need to get rid of the tumor- to reduce the chance of spread for one thing. But also if that tumor on Abbee’s leg ruptures it could cause a wound that would be very difficult to treat and may never heal. Then you would have a mess with a very painful wound. That was one of the factors that made me choose amputation. I left a link to Maggie’s blog in your last post.
    Good luck tomorrow, I’ll be looking for an update.

    Karen and Spirit Maggie

    •   Sjstark Says:

      Thank you Karen. I did read Maggie’s Blog. What a tremendous inspiration and little fighter she was! Thank you for helping others like me be more at peace with our decisions. I will post an update everyday along our healing process.

  2.   gransboys Says:

    My little one is having her front leg off Wednesday (12th). But her injury is due to a previous owner cruelty and neglect. She is only 6 months old. And her other front leg, her “good” leg isn’t that good. So we are thinking of prosthetics when she is grown. Help support her “good” leg.
    Good luck to you both tomorrow.
    We are in England.

  3.   jerry Says:

    It definitely pays to be proactive, you’ll be glad you did it to avoid future issues. We will be thinking of you and sending our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    About 80 percent of members here lose a leg because of cancer, the remainder because of things like neglect, birth defects, etc. If you want more comfort and suggestions, be sure to visit our Beyond Cancer Discussion Forum to talk with the community directly.

    Good luck! Keep us posted, we’ll be thinking of you.

  4.   Angela Says:

    For my min-pin the recovery was not bad at all. Actually the worst thing was trying to keep him calm. When we picked him up after the surgery he was hopping all over the waiting room. He does everything he used to be able to do with the exception of jumping on my bed (which I didn’t want him to do anyway!) He doesn’t know he is any different then any other dog and he is doing great! I hope Abbee’s surgery goes well and that her recovery is not traumatic! Hang in there!

  5.   Angela Says:

    I know that the amputation is scary! Like the others said… you are being proactive. She will bounce back faster than you know!

    Goodluck and prayers for a speedy recovery!

    Cody and Family

  6.   goldie1 Says:

    Our dog Goldie got diagnosed with osteosarcoma last week and we are trying to decide what we should do. She has a very broad chest and I’m afraid she won’t be able to support herself on only 1 front leg. I am really scared for this option as she is not very adaptable to new situations. I could use some advice. Thank you!!

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