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Abbee with Mast Cell Tumor



Hello my soon to be friends. Unfortunately I will be joining the tripawd community as of Monday, 3/10/14. My precious chihuahua has a mast cell tumor on her front leg and I’ve decided to amputate to achieve clean margins. To say I’m nervous is a huge understatement. But I’m sure each of you are aware with the feelings that come from this experience. I do not need to explain. I’ve read many blogs/post, and they have been so helpful that I’ve decided to join and document my experience so I may help others in return with this difficult decision.

In some bright news…today is Abbee’s 10th Birthday!!

March 5, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   11 Comments.

11 Responses to “Abbee with Mast Cell Tumor”

  1.   rica55 Says:

    HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY ABBEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know you are so nervous – I remember it well and it was 14 months ago for me and my kitty Jill. Just keep reminding yourself you are doing the right thing for your baby and getting rid of the cancer!
    Don’t tell the bigger doggies we said this, but as the mom to a kitty, I can tell you the smaller tripawds do WONDERFULLY on three legs. The recovery time can be tough, but Jill was up and about very quickly. I was concerned that she would not be ready to start chemo 2 weeks after amputation and she probably could’ve started 5 days later. She now runs around on three legs like she never had a 4th!
    Post in the forums with whatever questions you may have – we are here to help!
    Erica & Tripawd Kitty Jill

  2.   elizabeth Says:

    Happy Birthday Abbee, you are a cutie! You’ll be running and playing in no time and you won’t even miss that stinkin’ leg!!

  3.   benny55 Says:

    Sorry you have to be here…but there is NO better place to be under the circumstances!!

    That Abbee is ADORABLE!! PRECIOUS! I’m sure you just grin ear to ear everytime you look at her!

    And we have a TENTH BIRTHDAY to celebrate too! That’s HUGE!!

    Please know we are all here for you on this journey. You are not alone. We understand your commotment and devotion to your Sweet Abbee like no others can!

    Depending on what you’ve reviewed here, you’re probably about as prepared as you can be.

    One thing I always remind muself…be sure a give daily “scratches” on the side of the amp. where your pup can’t reach….ears, face, side, under their arms, just all up and down.

    As you also kow, recovery is no picnic the first week or so. Usualky, not always, smaller dogs have a little easier timer recovery. Balancing the meds., keeping the pain at bay but not over-medicating to the point of stupor…all part of the journey

    I kow this is an anxious time for you…..not for Abbee! Remember, she doesn’t know her “surgery date”, she’s not counting days and could care less about any stupid disease! She just knows she’s loved and that’s all that matters!

    Let us kow ow we can help, o,ay?

    We would love to see more pictures of this sweet girl. Remember to do a “cuteness alert” first though! Too much cuteness from Abbee can be a lot all at once!

    HAPY BIRTHDAY again sweet girl! We’re gonna eat some ice cream and chocolate cake to celebrate!! You better get some too…and steak!!!

    Sending hugs!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4.   Angela Says:

    happy birthday Abbee!!! And welcome to both of you! Keep us posted on everything and good luck in the coming weeks… They are the hardest. We are almost at 2 weeks post-amp and It has been the most emotional two weeks! But we are all here for you. This site has helped me so much and I’m sure it will help you too! Remember she will adjust better than you! Just keep breathing and knowing soon she will be out of pain. Sending positive vibes you way!

    Cody and Family

  5.   jerry Says:

    Awwww. Hoppy Birthday Abbee!!!! I hope you got spoiled rotten and had a wonderful celebration.

    Fear not, small dogs do GREAT on 3 legs and so will you. Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experience, it will definitely help others as they look for answers.

    Please keep us posted OK? We’re here to help. And don’t forget to visit the Forums, there’s tons of folks there ready to jump in when you need ’em.

  6.   krun15 Says:

    Welcome to Tripawds, and happy birthday Abbee! My pug Maggie lost her left rear leg to a MCT. Because she had lymph node involvement her prognosis was 6 to 9 months. Mag hopped happily through life for almost 4 YEARS and did not pass from mast cell. Here is a link to her blog if you haven’t already found it:
    Along the top you will see a few tabs including one on Maggie’s Story, and one on her Amp and Chemo.
    Also, our friend Roxy just celebrated her 4 year Ampuversary after her front amp for a grade III MCT. Roxy is a boxer, her pack decided not to do chemo.
    You might check out the forums if you have questions or concerns- there are many more people there.
    Good luck with the surgery on Monday!
    Karen and Spirit Maggie

  7.   Linda Morrice Says:

    Happy 10th Birthday, Abbee.

    And welcome to the Tripawd community 🙂

    After the recovery period from the surgery, I bet Abbee will adapt very well to her new “normal”.

    Linda and Tucker

  8.   nordy Says:

    Hi guys.

    I’m anxiously awaiting word from our vet, his surgery should be done about now.

    Good luck with you and yours!

    •   sjstark Says:

      I’m saying a quick prayer for you and your dog now! Abbee’s surgery went well and now I am waiting 2 more hours to bring her home. Please keep me posted.

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