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5 weeks post amputation.

Things are good around here for Abbee.  She is back to rolling in the grass and chasing squirrels. Nothing at all makes Abbee run, except squirrels! She is just as fast as she ever was on 3 legs…

I found a bump on her head last week so off to the vet we went yesterday. I realize now, going to the vet at every bump will be part of our new life. Luckily, this was small like a pea sized wart, so the vet says it doesn’t appear to be a Mast Cell and it’s still too small to aspirate. So we are just watching it for now. Hopefully it’s allergy related.

Good news is, she lost another whole pound! She was 12.6 (don’t forget she is a chihuahua!), and obese at her surgery and I knew we really had to shed some weight to maintain her one front leg. At weigh in yesterday she was 10.6! Such great news for me, because its been a lot of work preparing/cooking each meal and weighing 1.5 ounces exactly at each feeding. It’s nice to know our system is working and that she seems healthier than ever now.

Each day is better for her and I focus on her living her life to the fullest. Just gotta keep an eye out for any new bumps…



Looking fabulous with with her pink manicure:)

April 14, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   10 Comments.

A beautiful day with Abbee


Its a beautiful day here in Texas and Abbee is just loving the sunshine.  We have been laying in the Bluebonnets all afternoon. Her tail is held high today and won’t stop wagging. If there is one thing I’ve learned through her cancer diagnosis, it is to let her enjoy every moment of each day. What else can a dog ask for?!






Her stitches are out and she is on no meds any longer. She has even lost 1 pound!


Keeping our spirits high now and enjoying every moment. Our brighter days are here..



March 29, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   7 Comments.

100% Cancer Free!!

Dr just called and said he is so impressed with Abbee’s recovery at her 2 week mark. She is doing remarkable. This news just warms my heart.

Best part is…

He said all test show she is now 100% cancer FREE!!! Her tumor was a grade 2 tumor that was aggressive in form. The results said  clean margins would have been hard to achieve anywhere on the body… I’m am so thankful I chose to amputate. There is also no lymph node involvement.

If it wasn’t for the support of this community then I would’ve assumed amputation to not be an option. But after reading everyone’a stories about the happy lives tripods go on to live, I felt it was my best option.  Thank you all so much for your continued support you give to us Pawrents, even after your fur babies have passed on. You have literally given my Abbee a chance of a happy normal lifespan.

March 24, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   9 Comments.

2 Week Ampuversary! Day 14 is finally here!

Finally! We have made it to the 2 week mark. I see my sweet Abbee improving everyday.

I won’t say she is 100%…maybe closer to 70%. But she is readjusting nicely, but slowly,  to her  new life as a Tripawd.

I dropped her off this morning to have her stitches removed. She is off all her meds, except Gabapetin bc it helps her sleep so well at night. I think she still has a bit of anxiety from the amputation. Almost like she feels a little like she can’t fully protect her self like she used to. She is very clingy and stays alert and wide eyed almost every moment of the day. I hope she gets her confidence back soon.

I still haven’t heard the results back from her tumor biopsy. That must be good news. I will ask the vet when I pick her up this evening.

All is well here with us. Getting stronger  and learning new things each day.

March 24, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   2 Comments.

Things are looking up on Day 5!

Yay for Abbee!!

She is doing so wonderful today. She even crawled in to my lap this morning to cuddle. This of course thrilled me! It means she is definitely feeling better.

So good in fact, last night when I left the room for 30 seconds, she decided to jump off the couch! Sooo scary! It terrifies me to know that she is brave enough to do that, but it makes me so happy to know she is feeling that confident as a Tripawd. Needless to say, I wont be leaving her unattended on the couch anymore. I know she no  longer has a spare leg.

Best news is….

She actually pooped this morning! When I spoke to her vet last night he said if she didn’t go by today, then I had to bring her in so he could “make it happen.”… She must have heard our conversation. 🙂 Never thought Id be happy about poop!

I even bought her a fancy new harness today to help her walk easier. Now we have to focus on losing a few pounds in the upcoming months. I pray that losing weight will be our only battle we will have to fight for now on. Still waiting on her biopsy results to see how aggressive her cancer was or if there was lymph node involvement. In the mean time, Im just staying positive and celebrating her amazing achievements as a determined Tripawd.

She’s just wonderful.

March 15, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   5 Comments.

Day 3 Post Amputation

Abbee’s day was as expected. She’s very sore, and grumpy. But I think her meds are keeping her pain free. She did take about 20 steps outside today before she toppled over. Maybe she is slowly catching on… I hope by the end of this weekend maybe a little of her sparkle will be back…

Her little brother misses her dearly… he barely leaves her side.



…look closely! He is there!! 🙂




We all miss her strong personality dearly. Looking forward to brighter days.

March 14, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   4 Comments.

Day 2 Post Op

After a great day yesterday, last night was a really tough night for us again. She couldn’t get comfortable and each big movement was followed by a yelp.

Today she also decided to not want to take any of her meds. And if Abbee decides she doesn’t want to do something, it doesn’t happen…

I don’t think she’ in constant pain, but the two times she has barked today, she yelped loud right afterwards.

On positive notes, she urinated once and seems to be moving a little better. I also tricked her into taking her Tran and Antibiotics this evening.

Praying for some sleep tonight and a happy puppy…





March 13, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   4 Comments.

Day 1-Post Amputation

What a difference 24 hours make! We are slowly making progress….


She is eating well, drinking well, and taking her meds well. What a great patient she is! I’m do lucky she is such a trooper.








Her surgical wound looks good. Much less swollen than last night. My wonderful husband has been icing it all day for her. She seems enjoy it.

The best news is, this afternoon she actually took about 10 steps outside to urinate!! She sat in the sun and just closed her eyes and enjoyed the fresh breeze. It was a beautiful, pain free day for her I think. I cant believe she is this good at this moment after how horrible of a night she had to endure last night. I do know that she will have a few more down days, but Im thankful for this day being wonderful for her.








March 12, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   9 Comments.

Day of Amputation…

Wow…what a day.

Dropped my love off at the vet at 7:00am this morning. I cried. I really wish I didn’t, but I did.


After what seemed like an eternity, I finally received a phone call at about 1:00 saying all went well.

I picked her up at 7:00 and here we are at home. I am trying to cope with the constant whines and whimpers. They are breaking my heart. The incision is pretty brutal, but I was prepared for that. I just wasn’t prepared for the helplessness that I feel right now. I don’t think I was prepared as I thought I was.

On the bright side, her appetite is normal. I fed her some homecooked chicken (her favorite) and she did drink a few syringes full of water. She has not interest in standing at all, or even moving for that matter. But I hope tomorrow may be easier for her. She hasn’t used the bathroom at all today. Every time I set her down, she just lays down. To get her to urinate tomorrow is my main goal.

Praying for a restful night for us both.


March 11, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   4 Comments.

Last day on 4 legs…



Tomorrow is the big day.  I didn’t think I’d be so nervous. I really thought I had come to terms with my decision. But that obviously isn’t the case. I’m so worried about not have making the right decision here. She isn’t in pain at all and in reality I don’t even know if the cancer she has is aggressive. What I do know is that it hasn’t spread to her lungs or any of her organs or lymph nodes. She had a ultra sound on Friday and all was clear. She just has one stinkin’ bump on her leg that’s in a spot with no tissue around it. Therefore, to get rid of the bump (that isn’t even bothering her!!) means getting rid of her leg. My poor baby…

I recall from reading others blogs, that everyone seems to have these second guessing feelings about amputation.  But most amputations are due to bone cancer and your babies are in pain. This is not the case with my girl. But I guess you can say I’m being proactive for her…. Well, that’s what I keep telling myself anyways..

My other worry is her recovery. I’m so scared that she will have a rough time. Abbee is kind of a drama queen. And I think she is a very emotional dog. I just wish she understood.

I’m so glad that I have you guys for moral support. Its so reassuring to know that I can talk to people who actually know exactly how I feel.


Please say a prayer for her at 7am tomorrow morning… and for me too! I actually think I’ll be needing it more….



March 9, 2014.     Category: Uncategorized.   7 Comments.

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